John Farrow RIP
Last Updated by Admin 14 March 2024 11:16
The Stock Car racing world was saddened to hear of the passing of John Farrow, who had contributed so much to the scene during many, many years.
John was the husband of former Saloon Stock Car Association administrator, Marion Farrow. John and Marion had enjoyed a long association with Stock Car racing, stretching back to their first involvement at Cleethorpes, when promoter Vince Moody helped to channel their enthusiasm towards officiating and admin roles. The Farrows were to become an integral part of the Trackstar organisation, swiftly becoming a much-admired duo for their contributions at Skegness, Boston and Kings Lynn in particular.
As Marion emerged as the much-loved 'Auntie Marion' of Saloon Stock Cars, John was a supporting figure to Marion's impressive work. Ever the gentleman, John was held in high regard by all who worked alongside him.
It was April 2021 when Marion passed away, and John did not enjoy the best of health since. John passed away in March 2024, leaving the Stock Car racing community saddened once more.
The thoughts of the Saloon Stock Car Association are with John and Marion - more than a married couple - and pass on their warm regards to friends and family.

Here are John and Marion, with UK Championship winner Simon Welton, at Skegness in 2017.