
Last Updated by Admin  28 June 2024 14:01 

Drivers are asked to note that all grade changes will now be announced via publication on this website. Drivers will not be notified individually. 

Official Grade Changes - effective 1st July 2024
Up to Red 121, 122, 561, 622, 778
Up to Blue 68, 199, 261
Up to Yellow 40, 48, 98, 527, 629, 633
Down to Blue 26, 126, 238, 608
Down to Yellow 8
Down to White 89, 192, 631

Official Grade Changes - effective 1st June 2024
Up to Red 26, 38, 238, 382, 474, 577, 607
Up to Blue 8, 606, 622
Up to Yellow 111, 164, 192
Down to Blue 72, 177, 561, 778
Down to Yellow 5, 57, 68, 699
Down to White 422, 629

Official Grade Changes - effective 1st May 2024
Up to Red 33, 72, 129, 151, 177, 329, 341, 407, 561, 993
Up to Blue 350, 474, 591, 626, 699
Up to Yellow 89, 444, 629, 631, 768
Down to Blue 26, 68, 79, 107, 121, 122, 161, 238, 525, 577, 607
Down to Yellow 19, 24, 25, 38, 41, 124, 136, 199, 214, 261, 606, 622
Down to White 40, 52, 164, 236, 241, 999

Official Grade Changes - effective 1st January 2024
Up to Red 161, 428, 661
Up to Blue 19, 261, 270
Up to Yellow 169, 236, 314
Down to Blue 129, 622
Down to Yellow 33, 211
Down to White (none)

Official Grade Changes - effective 30th September 2023
Up to Red (none)
Up to Blue 5, 38, 42, 99, 136, 199, 211, 758
Up to Yellow 164, 241, 265
Down to Blue (none)
Down to Yellow 84, 261, 333, 799
Down to White 314

Official Grade Changes - effective 1st September 2023
Up to Red 129, 238, 622
Up to Blue 124, 672
Up to Yellow 136, 311, 314, 422, 984
Down to Blue 214
Down to Yellow 38, 42, 573, 610
Down to White (none)

Official Grade Changes - effective 1st August 2023
Up to Red (none)
Up to Blue 329, 606
Up to Yellow (none)
Down to Blue 161, 407, 620, 661
Down to Yellow 99, 199, 211, 218, 281, 380, 626, 672
Down to White 265, 418, 984

Official Grade Changes - effective 1st July 2023
Up to Red 120, 525, 620, 778
Up to Blue 211, 218, 321, 799
Up to Yellow (none)
Down to Blue 380, 573, 601
Down to Yellow 5, 86, 114
Down to White (none)

Official Grade Changes - effective 1st June 2023
Up to Red 79, 121, 277, 570, 573, 577, 601, 608
Up to Blue 27, 86, 114, 207, 333, 610, 672
Up to Yellow 984, 999
Down to Blue 120, 171, 238, 261, 399, 525, 561
Down to Yellow 19, 250, 350
Down to White 631
Official Grade Changes - effective 29th April 2023
Up to Red 60, 122, 214, 227, 238, 261,399, 407, 697, 760
Up to Blue 19, 24, 121, 248, 250, 577, 620, 626
Up to Yellow 52, 86, 606
Down to Blue 72, 79, 129, 277, 341, 608, 778
Down to Yellow 10, 124, 151, 207, 218, 329, 370
Down to White 192, 312, 314, 333, 444

Official Grade Changes - effective 1st January 2023
Up to Red 129
Up to Blue 10, 350, 370
Up to Yellow (none)
Down to Blue 407
Down to Yellow (none)
Down to White 86, 241, 298

Official Grade Changes - effective 1st October 2022
Up to Red 407, 720
Up to Blue 156, 199
Up to Yellow 10, 13, 241
Down to Blue 428
Down to Yellow 546, 620
Down to White 52

Official Grade Changes - effective 1st September 2022
Up to Red 341
Up to Blue 33, 329, 622, 720
Up to Yellow 52, 86, 444
Down to Blue 84, 399, 570
Down to Yellow 156, 316, 350, 393, 420
Down to White 10

Official Grade Changes - effective 1st August 2022
Up to Red 561
Up to Blue 207
Up to Yellow (none)
Down to Blue 129, 156, 341, 401, 407, 620
Down to Yellow 33, 36, 199, 626, 672
Down to White 241, 250

Official Grade Changes - effective 1st July 2022
Up to Red 84, 129, 277, 341, 570, 677
Up to Blue 36, 350, 393
Up to Yellow 40, 314, 418
Down to Blue 6, 92, 319, 364, 561
Down to Yellow 184
Down to White 99, 248, 444

Official Grade Changes - effective 1st June 2022
Up to Red 6, 364, 399, 407
Up to Blue 33, 124, 184, 238, 667
Up to Yellow 19, 400
Down to Blue 5, 96, 122, 316, 341, 570
Down to Yellow 36, 125, 177, 207, 328, 350, 370, 573, 799
Down to White 52, 86, 418

Official Grade Changes - effective 30th April 2022
Up to Red 5, 96, 122, 171, 316, 319, 341, 525, 561, 607, 698
Up to Blue 36, 125, 177, 407, 409, 546, 697, 799
Up to Yellow 6, 10, 52, 99, 250
Down to Blue 84, 399, 501, 672, 677
Down to Yellow 28, 33, 45, 97, 214, 619
Down to White 184, 192, 400, 504

Official Grade Changes - effective 1st January 2022
Up to Red 672
Up to Blue 28, 45, 229, 328, 370
Up to Yellow 418, 622
Down to Blue 525, 698
Down to Yellow 124, 640
Down to White (none)

Official Grade Changes - effective 1st October 2021
Up to Red 386
Up to Blue 672
Up to Yellow 261, 895
Down to Blue 73, 171, 277, 489, 640
Down to Yellow 370
Down to White (none)

Official Grade Changes - effective 1st September 2021
Up to Red 161, 489
Up to Blue 5, 33, 122, 124, 281, 350, 364, 370, 386, 420, 561
Up to Yellow 86, 328
Down to Blue 341
Down to Yellow 60, 129, 229, 447, 601, 607, 610
Down to White 261, 314

Official Grade Changes - effective 2nd August 2021
Up to Red 73, 92, 126, 341, 380, 525, 677
Up to Blue 276, 489
Up to Yellow 33, 261, 314, 444
Down to Blue 129, 161, 199, 218, 607
Down to Yellow 5, 96, 122, 172, 329, 370, 561, 888
Down to White 152, 484, 667

Official Grade Changes - effective 1st July 2021
Up to Red 26, 84, 129, 131
Up to Blue 60, 126, 329, 370, 525, 573, 601, 677
Up to Yellow 55, 152, 266, 380, 484, 489
Down to Blue 5, 38, 96, 122, 172, 229, 561, 888
Down to Yellow 8, 14, 73, 124, 319, 341
Down to White 10, 24, 261, 281, 282, 328, 340, 444, 842

Official Grade Changes - effective 1st January 2021
Up to Red 5, 38, 96, 122, 229
Up to Blue 8, 14, 182, 319
Up to Yellow 672
Down to Blue 428
Down to Yellow 276, 350
Down to White (none)

Official Grade Changes - effective 1st October 2020
Up to Red 00, 389, 399, 600
Up to Blue 276, 350
Up to Yellow 340
Down to Blue 26, 341, 447
Down to Yellow 14, 122, 296, 370, 799
Down to White (none)

Official Grade Changes - effective 1st September 2020
Up to Red 172, 277, 341, 447, 476, 561, 640, 888, 902, 980
Up to Blue 2, 14, 296, 368, 370
Up to Yellow 00, 192, 319, 330, 504, 642, 842
Down to Blue 57, 131, 389, 399, 600
Down to Yellow 84, 145, 182, 276, 525, 800
Down to White (none)

Official Grade Changes - effective 1st January 2020
Up to Red 607
Up to Blue 610
Up to Yellow (none)
Down to Blue 38, 182, 902
Down to Yellow 50, 136
Down to White 00

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